Research & more.

Work package 6

Validation at regional, reservoir and borehole scale



• Validate the workflow of WP5 in a 300 m long borehole in the Bedretto underground laboratory.

• Demonstrate that the probabilistic exploration workflow developed in WP2 can accurately predict the location

of a known geothermal reservoir within calculated uncertainty bounds.

• Demonstrate the multiple-site-selection approach by comparing two potential geothermal sites for which the

reservoir scale exploration is performed.

• Demonstrate that the georadar tool can sustain the conditions relevant to a geothermal borehole and provide

high-resolution imaging at the borehole scale.

• Demonstrate the performance of novel microseismicity monitoring workflows and validate these observations

against permeability/stress orientation probabilistic predictions.

• Engage the public and relevant stakeholders at the borehole sites and organise school activities.