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Georadar-aided High-resolution Exploration to Advance deep geoThermal energy usage (GeoHEAT)



GeoHEAT will transform geothermal exploration through two key strategic shifts: (i) minimising pre-drilling exploration costs while quantifying and communicating the risks; and (ii) maximising learning rates of exploration drilling while reducing the costs of characterisation. As a first step, the high costs and shortsighted prospection are tackled with passive surface-based imaging methods and uncertainty encompassing modelling alternatives. In parallel to reducing measurement bias, our approach engages a larger population and stakeholder group in search for optimal locations for geothermal exploitation. In the following step, GeoHEAT illuminates the subsurface to an unprecedented extent through a novel georadar probe. The georadar imaging is complemented with drilling-induced microseismicity monitoring and digital rock physics models to create a high-resolution understanding of the reservoir. Our novel, multiscale approach unlocks the potential of informed deviated drilling, optimal wellbore placement and accurate performance and risk analysis. Throughout the GeoHEAT journey we propose effective and inclusive tools for public engagement and two-way communication while we introduce advanced decision-making tools for policymakers based on probabilistic modelling and uncertainty quantification. To maximize its impact and expediate its success, GeoHEAT consists of a complementary consortium with European leaders in the scientific, industrial, and public domain. The interdisciplinarity of our team allows us to look at geothermal energy exploration from different angles (e.g., geophysics, engineering, seismology, social sciences and humanities) and ensure the technical, scientific, economic and social sustainability of our proposed exploration workflow. By building on the results and expertise of previous and ongoing related projects, GeoHEAT contributes to the European-wide energy transition process to provide reliable, secure and competitive geothermal energy supply.



Funded by the European Union under the Horizon Europe Framework Programme (Project name: GeoHEAT; Grant agreement ID: 101147571). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Agency (CINEA). Neither the European nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. This project is also supported by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI).

Linkt to the official EU-website about the project